Jumat, 22 Juni 2012

What is the TOEIC and TOEFL test it? and how important? so often institutions or schools implement the guidance of the TOEFL test?

TOEFL (Test of English as a Foreign Language)
TOEFL Test is a test to measure how proficient we are in learning English. This test came from the United States and Canada. Almost all the students who will continue colege (college) at one university degree either majored or other must, must, have a TOEFL certificate. Almost all countries in the world to apply this test as a measure of English proficiency. Indonesia is one country that also carry it out. TOEFL certificate but not an obligation that must be wholly owned by the prospective student. TOEFL scores that ranged between <100-999. School children in Indonesia where otherwise meet the requirements of understanding English with "good enough" if it has a score above 450. This test usually takes about three hours and is organized in four parts, namely:
listening comprehension,
grammatical structure and written expression,
reading comprehension, and the

TOEFL test result value ranging from: 310 (minimum value) to 677 (maximum value) for the version of PBT (paper-based test).
Lately, the organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written English) is the result value is separate from the TOEFL test. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and pour a thought or idea, and supporting ideas with examples found in everyday life with the use of English the standard.
Another type of test that is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken English Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used when we want to register as a teaching assistant or laboratory assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other country). Form tests conducted orally and lasts for about 20 minutes. Time of event and the deadline for registration is the same as the other TOEFL tests, and costs about U.S. $ 100. But usually if the school or institution implementing guidance by the number of participants. bianyapun be cheap. approximately 1/5 cheaper than carrying out tests directly in the center.

TOEIC (test of english as international communication)

TOEIC is a test of English proficiency such as TOEFL. TOEFL difference is outcome oriented to sign up a university in other words the need for the TOEFL English proficiency for students who attend school akn to a higher level. TOEIC test on the need to learn and improve English skills berbahsa the certificate to be obtained is used to kepentinga work. in other words TOEIC held for anyone who would sign up to work or as a requirement to register a particular job.
If interested visit
http://www.itc-indonesia.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=frontpage&Itemid=2&lang=in. cost 450,000, already include an additional score report.
pay via ebanking standalone ...
testnya consist of Listening (45 Min) and Reading (75 Min)
Listening consists of the photograph, question - a response, short talk and short conversation.
Schools and institutions to conduct this test counseling usually when approaching the time for university students to register their interest. because the validity of a TOEIC or TOEFL certificate is 2 tahun.Bagaimanapun both of these tests requires good concentration and penglinghatan hearing because it would take a lot of energy. TOEIC or TOEFL tests carried out for about 2 hours without stopping.


TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign language. Toefl is a test used to determine the ability of a person in berbahsa English. Toefl test started with a project that digunakana Ferguson to measure the language ability of government employees and students, and since the 1960's, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an organization of international testing standards.
Toefl test test consists of reading, writing, listening and speaking. Only the first test toefl paper based test and the test computer, but since 2005, internet-based test has largely replaced the previous two tests. Time imposed for the TOEFL test as a whole about 150 minutes to Pencil and Paper Based TOEFL and approximately 240 minutes for the Computer Based TOEFL. Time for Computer Based TOEFL is relatively long because it includes procedures tutorial.
The TOEFL is a registered trademark of Educational Testing Service (ETS) and administered worldwide. This test was first administered in 1964 and has since been taken by more than 23 million students. The test was originally developed at the Center for Applied Linguistics headed by linguists, Dr. Charles A. Ferguson.
TOEFL Committee of Examiners consists of 12 specialists in linguistics, language testing, teaching or research. Its main responsibility is to advise on the content of the TOEFL test. This committee helps ensure that tests are a valid measure of English language proficiency reflecting current trends and methodologies.
Based in Washington, DC, Center for Applied Linguistics (CAL) is a nonprofit organization committed to researching the relationship between language and culture of Established in 1959, the first director of the Charles A. Ferguson (1921-1998, who had given a similar program in the Middle East and taught as a professor at Harvard University. Ferguson guided the center to develop practical solutions to apply language and literacy concerns of the international and national government. Origins One early project was to develop a test Ferguson which will measure the command language that ESL (English-as-a-Second-Language) students and government workers have. applied linguistics Ferguson and fellow researchers developed the TOEFL test during the first five years of CAL. In 1964, the first official TOEFL test taken pusat.Pembangunan Since the late 1960s, the TOEFL test has been administered by the Educational Testing Service (ETS), an organization of international testing standards. According to ETS, between 1964 and 2008, 24 million people, mostly international students, have taken the test. Introduced in 2005, internet-based test has replaced the computer-based format and paper-based, with the results of computer-based orders no longer apply in 2006.
Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the iBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to implement CBT or iBT (because there are no computer facilities and internet network), the TOEFL exam is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test, or PBT). More information about the test CBT and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be found on the official website of TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (CBT version of the TOEFL test result has a value ranged from 0 to 300, while the value for the iBT is from 0 to 120) [1].
Lately, the organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written English) is the result value is separate from the TOEFL test. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and pour a thought or idea, and supporting ideas with examples found in everyday life with the use of English the standard.
Another type of test that is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken English Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used when we want to register as a teaching assistant or laboratory assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other country). Form tests conducted orally and lasts for about 20 minutes. Time of event and the deadline for registration is the same as the other TOEFL tests, and costs about U.S. $ 100.

Personal opinion:

TOEFL stands for Test Of English as a Foreign Language. TOEFL is a standardized English language ability of a person in writing (de jure) tenure which covers four aspects: Listening, Writing and Reading.
TOEFL scoring system using the conversion of each correct answer. TOEFL scores are the highest attainable one is 670
TOEFL has two general objectives are: Academic and General. In similar fashion, the certification recommendation for the TOEFL can use both.
Academic test is used for educational purposes, research or academic-related activities abroad, or in Indonesia. To graduate, usually a minimum value is 550. whereas for S1 is 500
General is generally used for the purpose of employment, promotion or job assignment. Many companies that install standard English TOEFL employees to see the value of - his. Generally, a minimum TOEFL score is 500 for standard promotions.


  1. Rumble-Seat Stroke

Is it a stroke?
Stroke disease is a disorder of brain function due to blood flow to the brain is impaired (reduced). As a result, nutrients and oxygen to the brain dbutuhkan not met properly. Cause there are two kinds of stroke, the presence of blockages in blood vessels (thrombus), and the presence of a ruptured blood vessel.

Generally the stroke suffered by the elderly, because of the aging process causes hardening and narrowing of blood vessels (arteriosclerosis) and the fat that clogs the arteries (atherosclerosis). But some recent cases show an increase in cases of stroke that occurs in adolescence and the reproductive age (15-40 years). At this class, the leading cause of stroke is stress, drug abuse, alcohol, heredity, and an unhealthy lifestyle.

Causes of stroke

In the case of stroke adolescence, genetic factors (hereditary) is the major cause of stroke. Frequently encountered cases of stroke caused by blood vessels are fragile and easily broken, or the blood system disorders such as hemophilia and thalassemia disease is passed down from parents of patients. Meanwhile, if a family member with diabetes (diabetes), hypertension (high blood pressure), and heart disease, stroke likely to be larger in other family members.

The cause of stroke is a food with high levels of bad cholesterol (Low Density Lipoprotein) is very high. Koleserol this evil there is lots of junk food or fast food. In addition, other causes of stroke is a lazy habit of exercising and moving, lots of drinking alcohol, smoking, drug use and addictive substances, much less rest time, and prolonged stress. Rupture of blood vessels are also often caused by high blood pressure (hypertension).

Symptoms of a stroke

Early symptoms of stroke usually dizziness, head was spinning (such as vertigo disease), then followed with a speech impairment and mouth muscles. Other symptoms are tergangguanya taste sensor (can not feel anything, such as pinched or pricked needles) and the body feels paralyzed side, and the absence of reflexes. Often occur suddenly blind or blurred vision (due to the blood supply and oxygen to the eye is greatly reduced), disruption of taste in the mouth of the system and the muscles of the mouth (so often encountered people with a wry face), paralysis of the muscles of the body, and disruption system memory and emotion. Common people can not stop crying due to paralysis of the brain controls the emotions system. It makes people act like stroke sufferers of mental illness, but it's not. Things like this that need to be understood by the family of the patient.

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The healing process

There are two main healing process which must be patient. First is the healing medicine in the hospital. Strict control should be done to keep the bad cholesterol can be lowered and did not grow up. In addition, patients are also prohibited from eating foods that can trigger a stroke such as junk food and salt (can lead to hypertension).

The healing process is fisiotherapy second, namely muscles exercises to restore muscle function and communication function so that approaching its original condition. Physiotherapy Physiotherapy conducted with instructors, and patients must adhere to the exercise performed. If Physiotherapy is not seriously undertaken, then the permanent paralysis can occur in the body which had suffered paralysis.

Healing in patients with stroke varies widely. There can be healed completely (100%), some are only 50% only. Healing depends on whether or not a severe stroke, the condition of the patient's body, in obedience to the patient undergoing the process of healing, perseverance and spirit of people to heal, as well as support and understanding from all family members of patients. Often found that stroke survivors can recover, but suffered from severe depression because their families do not want to understand and feel deeply troubled by illness (such as attitudes do not accept the circumstances of the patient, the harsh treatment because they have to clean up the patient, the nurse gave the patient who also treats patients with a rough, and so on). It is to be avoided if a family member who suffered a stroke.

  1. The Role of Investment in Development of National Economy

At that time the calculation and the calculation of new investment projects can be easily done because there is a high certainty and the risk of failure in trying to low. Try the low-risk is supported by a stable political climate. Security in the course of supply of goods and raw materials for industrial activities and the logistics of the company's products and finished goods can be sent easily and inexpensively in the hands of consumers.

Similarly, investment licensing system is handled centrally, so while reducing excessive bureaucratic chain. Demands of political parties and nongovernmental masyarakatpun still in the corridor that is not much interfere with the process of doing business.

Climate conditions and investment risks were then membuah positive results. Domestic firms without doubt be able to expand its business in all production lines. Interest to invest directly in real sector conducted by the business community and household industry increased sharply both in the agriculture, fisheries, mining, construction, manufacturing, heavy industry, financial services and banking, as well as in other service sectors.
The most prominent investment interest and demonstrate the improvement was a direct investment in order to get the facility of foreign investment (FDI). The presence of FDI has contributed a large part in encouraging performance of Indonesia's economic growth, encourage the emergence of local raw material supply industry, the process of technology transfer and management, as well as benefits for local investors. The most outstanding benefit is its developing mutually beneficial collaboration between foreign investors and interwoven with local businesspeople. Here we see how the components of business and industry is growing rapidly, including a variety of export-oriented business activities.

The development of direct investment dahsyad then provide various benefits and positive impact for the national and local economic development. Our national income has increased significantly so that our country can have a reserve fund for the purposes of guard in poor condition. Employment in nasionalpun can be given to a high number, where a one percent growth rate in the national economy can provide additional direct employment of 700 thousand to 800 thousand workers.

Rarely do we hear complaints from candidates for employment in urban areas are difficult to obtain employment. The unemployment rate can be reduced to a minimum. Employment provided by the presence of foreign firms and domestic export-oriented at the same time it has been felt by the white-collar workers, graduates from the graduate program and the graduates of the undergraduate program in the country. Place the location of foreign firms working sons of the nation's vast experience in their respective fields, with the introduction of modern management knowledge and recognition of global market presence. Some of the employee is then turned-entrepreneur status of being a young entrepreneur who has been encouraging the development efforts of middle-and small-scale economy.

Development of domestic entrepreneurs and foreign investment was still giving a positive contribution to increasing various tax sources and private companies that are useful in the construction area on level one and level two. Local economic development efforts around the site where the companies have tended to invest directly influence the impact of their presence. The delivery of public and social facilities can be upgraded at the same time increasing the level of local consumption of basic needs and daily necessities.
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Recording of events and cases of the above occurred several decades before the economic crisis occurred. After the crisis hit our country multidimesional conditions and developments expressed suffered a setback. The process of social and economic changes in the reform era poses a challenge and hope-harapan.Kita faced with the harsh reality of how the national economic growth engine is based on the expansion of industrial capacity was not able to grow and develop in a sustainable manner.

Many domestic companies are menggurita as a conglomerate having its decline, and even some fall on the field of action negatively affected by the economic crisis.

Lack of caution in managing the company in its external environment is changing rapidly (turbulent change) is one of the main factors of failure. Disgraceful business practices and fraud cases in the political business that smells of corruption, collusion and nepotism resulted in these companies are very vulnerable to storm crisis and turbulent environment. Pratek carelessness and improper practices have implications on improving the financial cost of rents and excessive waste.

As a result, these companies no longer possess the competitive edge in the arena to compete for market share of Indonesian products in the international economy. The position of the competitiveness of Indonesia was forced to export some products at the lowest level terkerek fall in international competitiveness rankings. We have to recognize the benefits of competitiveness of the exporting countries similar products such as China, Malaysia, India, Vietnam, and South Korea can survive and even reach out and expand their export market share. Indigenous entrepreneurs in the neighboring country to take the lead because they have been doing better business practices than what has been done by our domestic entrepreneurs. It is no wonder if at this moment they still prevail

Looking further at the experience of other countries in preparing for the coming wave of globalization we are forced to learn .example we can see with the experience of China. China has a high number of people in the world, surpassing the population diIndonesia. These countries are equally gained its independence is not much different from Indonesia. Chinapun is in the process of transformation in the socio-economic cultural revolution since the introduction of some twenty years ago.

The most important changes made by government and business circles in the country are not training while also satisfying the battle. Soon after the construction of rolling reform, the central government set a few main areas where the location bermukimnya foreign companies that were targeted development. Government and business circles in China are well aware of the meaning and role of FDI presence in support of their economic transformation process.

Decentralization of authority in the licensing business and investment were fully in the management area. Through this strategy the Chinese government has done decentralization process indirectly. Only model that they traveled over well-managed, with the possibility can diminimalisirnya red tape and political instability. Policy makers at central and local level are fully aware that requiring the presence of FDI is China and not the opposite.

Other policies that support increased investment in China is sending state employees to the state industrial plants to study the production process of products based on advanced technology and skills in research and industrial engineering. The Government recognizes the importance of FDI recipient countries to prepare skilled workers ready to use when they will invite potential foreign investors are determined to begin to realize investment plans, the central point and give full authority on some particular party to process permits in one roof. Thus unnecessary bureaucracy can be eliminated.
Policy orientation of the central and local governments are "pro" to the presence of an investment in the industrial and business locations specified later turned out to be the result. Unexpectedly inflows of foreign capital, investment and FDI to those areas with a sharp increase. Noise and increased construction of investment projects in all types of business activities and the scale of the coloring of the national economy and local economies. Unemployment rate can be reduced and there was a sharp spike and the acceleration of economic growth and household income level.

Another challenge faced by business people and potential investors in our country is how the central government, local government and communities can provide a conducive climate for investment terselengaranya. At central government level, the problem is still not clear visibility of the development strategy of industrialization. Such a strategy is needed so that the bureaucracy at the provincial government and local government districts, may unite and coordinate the mix designs for the development of its investment in the region can support the achievement of the targets of national industrialization strategy.
Local governments are also required to maintain a good business climate and not burden the business community and potential investors in the region respectively. Finally for the community, in the current era of democratization emerging lately with various excessive demands not sacrifice business climate that have been nurtured. Entrepreneurs and potential investors in any demanding comfort, security and certainty of the process of capital investment in the region. Progress and increase the production volume of the investment activities of the nominee is certain sooner or later will provide a multiplier effect on local economies and communities around the household income.

There are still many other challenges to mention individually here. Clear whether the businessman himself and the economic actors and public administration needs to make changes in perspective, the application of corporate governance and administrative governance of mutual support for the creation of the acceleration of investment in each region and locality.

Momentum accelerated investment as happened in China need to be studied and imitated, so that in turn can create more employment opportunities and benefits for wider society.

  1. Effect of Sunlight to Human
The sun is essential to life. Without the sun, then there is no life on earth. The sun contributes to the process of photosynthesis in plants. In addition, the sun also acts to stimulate the body to produce vitamin D, which serves to metabolize calcium, thus forming strong bones.

Sunlight, if a little is beneficial to the body. However, excessive sun can be harmful to the skin. Even the hazard can increase with the number of rays on the skin. Why?

The sun produces radiation that reaches the earth's surface. Solar radiation is composed of infrared and visible light and ultraviolet light within a radius of A and B (UVA and UVB). Fortunately, the atmosphere absorbs cosmic rays, gamma rays and X-ray beam produced by the sun. In addition, the ozone layer in the atmosphere also inhibits ultraviolet radiation C (UVC) and filter out most of the UVA and UVB. Unfortunately, the ozone layer is being damaged at various places so that the ultraviolet radiation is often called UV increasing lately.

Ultraviolet or UV radiation can cause skin damage, even permanent skin damage including skin cancer. Ultraviolet radiation (UV) can cause your skin to burn, and cause brown spots and thickening and dryness of skin. UV radiation can damage DNA, suppress immune system, and activate the chemicals in the body that can cause cancer. Other negative effects of premature aging. Even later revealed that UVA radiation penetrates the skin deeper than UVB, which can cause skin cancer, and may suppress the immune system.
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Sunlight is essential for life on earth. However, you need to consider seriously how to protect yourself from the sun. By taking steps to protect your skin from the sun will greatly reduce the possibility of damage to your skin and the development of skin cancer. Use sunscreen and protect the health of your skin so your skin still looks beautiful and fresh.

  1. Blush on
When looking to make the face look more fresh or not to look pale, one thing to do is to use blush or blush on. Choice of colors and how to use blush to be adjusted to face shape, color and skin type. By applying blush or blusher properly, will give the impression of a suitable face, fresh and look beautiful.
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To be able to stick blush on much longer, you should use a blush on after using a moisturizer, foundation, pressed powder. Use a large blush brush so that the resulting color more evenly. blush can also be used after you finish with eye makeup and lips in order to blend with the shades of makeup as a whole. Do not forget to pay attention to your life and choose the expired cosmetic blush or blusher which contains a safe for the face.

  1. Indonesia Economic Policy And The challenge
Keynes originally faced a situation that is a state of depression in Europe and America. There are no factories, skilled labor and skilled existing production infrastructure such as roads and communication lines exist, there are also banks, but it stalled due to lack of effective demand. Thus, government action to increase Effective Demand, as suggested by the theory of Keynes soon managed to increase production without causing inflation.
Such a situation should not be equated with the situation in Indonesia and other developing countries. Our production is still low, not because of lack of demand (demand side), but because of structural weaknesses (in terms of supply): lack of expertise, lack of infrastructure, lack of industry, and so forth. Similarly, the nature of unemployment is different. Unemployment in Indonesia is not first nature "konjunktural" (for lack of or fluctuations in demand efektit), but structural (as indeed lack of employment opportunities). Such a situation can not be dealt with on a "home add efektit demand" only. For each additional effective demand (entaih of public finance, from export credit from abroad, or from the expansion of bank credit) to immediately contain the danger of rising prices, not because demand is so excessive, but because of the increase of production (output) lags or less rapidly with increase demand for it, so because of the constraints in the production sector. When the disease is different, obatnyapun be different.
Economic or political policy of economic (economic policy), which means that the actions taken or being taken by the government in order to regulate the national economic life in order to achieve certain goals. The goals would be achieved have been set by the deputies in the Assembly, the House and poured in GBHN, which can be summarized in the "development trilogy": stability, economic growth and equity.
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Concrete problems encountered in the political economy is that these goals can be achieved not necessarily together. Because often times the effort to achieve a goal more or less forced to sacrifice other goals. For example, to create jobs will need to invest in large numbers. But massive investments easily lead to inflation and aggravating the balance of payments as imports increase. Similarly, efforts to stabilize rice prices are often contrary to efforts to promote agriculture and the equitable distribution of income for farmers. To meet the challenges it is necessary discretion.